Thursday, December 08, 2005

Exams . . . and crazy scary things

Well, Jody, the short answer is yesnosometimes-oh-ok . .no. Never, I'm sorry I am beginning to loose it again. Anyway, over the past week or so since my last post I have finsished classes for the semester and have my first exam tomorrow noon. I'm not too worried about it. The exam I have on Friday is a different matter. At any rate, there have been much more scary things going on.

Last Friday(Dec. 2nd), I left the house to walk to my 11:30am class. The last class of the semester I might add so I definitely wanted to get to it in order to 1. hand in my 16 page essay that would get 0% if it was not on the desk at the beginning of class and 2. be present for any possible exam review or hints(that is the class for which the exam is this Friday). Anyway, I digress. On my way out the back door I was made aware of a rather large dog barking in my neighbour's backyard. Now we share a driveway with my neighbour and the driveway is all that seperates our backyards. No fence, no hedge, no moat with dog eating alligators. As I begin to walk down the driveway I notice that the dog is in fact a pit bull and it is in fact standing directly in the middle of Mrs. Norcott's backyard barking at one particular molecule of air about six inches in front of its face that seems to have enraged it somehow. Not wishing a confrontation, I walk swiftly down my driveway, and if any of you short people out there have gone for a walk with me you will remember telling me to stop running and letting you catch up. Well, that was me walking normally. I was walking fast. Richard Simmons is out to get me in a track suit and sweat band fast. Mistako numero uno. Dogs like fast things. They chase fast things. So, the next thing I know the barking is getting louder . . .and closer . . . .I think to myself, "oh great slobery loudmouth here wants to pick a fight" so I turn around and the pitbull is charging at me, still barking, now at me with large tendrils of drool cascading from his mouth. At 6 feet away I decide to take a page from Chuck Norice's book and round house kick the thing in the head if it gets any closer. Well, maybe not roundhouse kick, but definitely do some damage with with a solid hoof. By the time it got to 3 feet away it had noticed the steeling glint of determination not to be mauled in my eyes and stopped dead in its tracks. Still barking non-stop. I slowly turned around and walked away. As soon as I was out of sight I booked it to class and handed in my essay. On time. hurray. the end.

On Friday afternoon, right after class, I saw a drug bust. Where else would it be but in front of Rumbles bar, the go-go dancer training ground for Seductions night club(not that I have ever been to Seductions, that's really not my scene). Yeah, the cops were in plainclothes and had already cuffed a young guy who had been buying pot from an old grodie looking guy. The old guy was resisting and they had him tackled against the ground and were reading his rights to him. The sidewalk was covered with the dealer's little baggies. Of course, being Brantford, and right across the street from NCO(the call centre where I work), a crowd of people out on their smoke break had crossed the street and were watching the bust. I use the term "watching" rather loosely, a more appropriate term might be something along the lines of peering considering that they were less than two feet away from the cops. The two girls I was walking with wanted to cross the street so as not to have to walk past the drug bust, but in true Brantford style, I made them walk past 1. because not doing so would have required either backtracking or j-walking and 2. everybody really wanted a better look anyway. So we walked past . . leaving a respectable distance out of respect for the cops need for a workable space and then crossed the street. And life continued as normal. One surreal downtown Brantford moment in a long string of surreal downtown Brantford moments.

On Tuesday, I was walking back to the WLUSU office or something with Brad. Anyway, we were crossing Darling St. on George St and some guy passes us on the crosswalk carrying a strung bow and a full sheaf of arrows. He didn't seem to be hunting or have just come from hunting. Just another surreal downtown Brantford moment.

Yesterday I went blogtrekking again and here are the results. I haven't linked the blogs I found these on, instead I just directed you to the content that I thought was interesting. I seem to have come across a theme with this content, but, I am not quite sure what it is, oh wait, yes I do. They are all links that appeal to nerds.

Qrio - dancing robots, not robot dancing
Underwood No. 5 - Typewriter or computer, make up your mind!!
WTF? - not profanity . . no really it isn't
Creepy, odd, and luminous - Beauty kit, plaid, e-baby



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