Thursday, October 05, 2006


It has been a long time. My world has changed significantly since my last post! Being on the waiting list to get into CMCC was the crappiest 4 months or so of my life! Graduating university was great, but as of convocation I had no idea what I was going to do with the rest of my life if I didn't get into CMCC! I had the experience of being humbled by God until I gave control over the issue to Him and told him that if he didn't want me to get in, I was ok with that as long as he showed me what he wanted me to be doing with my life. It's funny, but as soon as I gave the control that I never had over the situation to him, things began to happen. I got the call I described in the last post, they sent me the letter, I got the money in order, got a place to live sorted out, got tested for TB and had a general health assessment, took a Standard First Aid course, moved to Toronto, went to Orientation week, and had my first day of class. It has really been amazing how everything has kind of just fallen into place to allow me to be here today. I started going to a new assembly, began to be involved in a new young people's bible study, had a schedule that let me get to the prayer meeting every week, had my first chiro exam (we'll see how that went :-P but I'm a little worried!). Overall it has been an intense quarter and it's not looking to get any less intense any time soon! The fall is always busy though, with Harvest Day, Hamilton conference, Bretheren's Weekend, etc, etc. Anyway, I've regurgitated enough of an update here to still be able to claim to be a blogger and to keep JODSTER off my back for another couple of months. Relax Jody, go back to sleep, it's ok.
G'night all.


YAY! New posts!!

Thanks for the email to tell me though. I'd have forgotten to check.

Do you have an RSS email feed for this site? I should register...
YAY! A new post!

Thanks for the email to let me know though. would have missed it completely.

Do you have an RSS feed for this site? I should sigbn up for it, then I will always know when the never updated blog gets up to date!
Have I sent in three comments to this post? I'm just so darn EXCITED!!!!!

Extra exclamation points for no reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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