Thursday, August 05, 2010

How to make good money online - where do you start?

If you want to make good money online where do you start? This is probably THE most asked question successful Internet marketers face. So what is the answer? Well, it depends on who you talk to! Of course, this does not help if you are looking for a quick answer on how to make good money.

Perhaps a clue lies in the work of Australian marketer Peter Downs's work for his site called, would you believe, 'make good money'. Peter has interviewed 10 top marketers from all over the world including some of the most successful online entrepreneurs on the planet. One of the questions fired at these online guru's was "what personal characteristics does it take to succeed online?"

Most agreed that to succeed online you need a strong personal motivation that means you will not give up. The biggest myth of working online is 'instant riches'. You need motivation, persistence and patience. Do you have that?

Next, what skills do you need to make good money online? Interestingly, most agreed that you actually do not need too many skills. One or two highly successful marketers confessed to being incapable of any kind of web design or SEO or keyword research. The important thing was to know what your skills are and to outsource the rest. Not try to do everything yourself. Naturally you need to know what skills are needed, to focus on those skills and to only do yourself what you are capable of doing.

ANother interesting question was "if you had to start again what would you do?" The answers were unanimous. Build a subscriber list. All top marketers have a list and in their formative years online concentrated on building their list, often through Giveaway events and adswaps. Even when their businesses became established and lists grew into 10, 20 ,50 or even 100,000 people the successful marketers still concentrated on building lists. This was regardless of the nature of their business.

So, if you want to start to make good money online then make sure you have a strong motivation, that you know what your skills are and don't try to do everything yourself and, in the early stages focus on building your subscriber base. Sounds simple!!

If you want to get transcripts from all the interviews in Make Good Money click here

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